Saturday, 8 August 2015

दुःख (Grief)

तूने ही बनाया था
सिद्धार्थ को "बुद्ध"
सूर्यकांत को "निराला"
न जाने कितने ही कलाकार
पाते हैँ तुझसे ही आकार
प्रथम कवि का जात
जब हुआ धरती पर तेरा निपात
सुख का अस्तित्व भी छुपा है
तेरे आँचल मेँ
मन,आत्मा और शरीर
सब के सब प्रभावित हैँ तुझसे
इसीलिए तेरा लगाव है मुझसे
मैँ भी चढ़ना चाहता हूँ
सुख की चोटी पर
जिसका रास्ता गुजरता है तुझसे
अश्क हैँ तेरी अभिव्यक्ति
कविता की ध्वनि हो
संगीत की अनुगूंज
कवियों की पंक्तियाँ भी
प्रसूत हैँ तुझसे
क्षणिकाओँ से महाकाव्यों तक
सब की जननी है तू
अनादिकाल से
जीवन का पर्याय है तू
फिर भी प्रानी तुझसे
दूर भागना चाहता है
अपना दामन
तुझसे क्यूँ छुड़ाना चाहता है
यही है परम सत्य
जिसने तुझे सहा है
सुख भी उसी के पास रहा है



In this poem the poet wants to say that grief is the feeling which made Siddharth the founder of Buddhism as Lord Buddha because when he saw that the grief is the main reason of life. He saw that in the every stage of life there is only grief which is tolerated by the human beings at any cast, so he left his Manson in search of its solution that how to get rid of being worried and got the enlightenment and gave four Arya Satya चार आर्य सत्य ie....
दुःख (sadness)
दुःख का कारण (reason of sadness)
दुःख निरोध (repelling of sadness)
दुःख निरोध के उपाय (method of repelling of sadness)
Thus he gave ashtangik marg (अष्टांगिक मार्ग) the eight fold path by which a man can get rid of it.
A great Hindi poet Pt. Surya Kant Tripathi "NIRALA"got the suffix of his name when he was very sad due to death of his beloved daugher Saroj. In her memory he wrote a tremendous poem "Saroj Smriti" and he was known as "NIRALA". The last lines of this poem were...
दुःख ही जीवन की कथा रही
क्या कहूँ आज तक कही नहीं
The poet wants to say also that all of the artists get their identity through the feeling of sadness by their souls. The first poet of the world got his identity when he felt the sadness in his life. A Hindi poet also said that
"वियोगी होगा पहला कवि
आह से उपजा होगा गान
निकल कर आंखों से चुप-चाप
बही होगी कविता अनजान"
Actually he wants to say that existence of happiness is hidden in the grief just like there is no value of light unless and until there is no darkness.
Heart, soul, body even every things are influenced by the sorrow. Perhaps this is the reason that the poet is attracted by sadness because he wants to feel the apex of happiness whose path passes through the street of sorrow and that's the climax of life.
Tears are the expression of sadness. it may be the words of the poetry or the resonance of the music even the lines of the poets are generated from the ocean of sorrow even from a short poem to epics are taken birth from the abdomen of sadness. Since the prehistoric age grief is the synonyms of life.but why it is so that human being does not wants to adapt the grief and being far away from it. Although it is eternal truth that one who can tolerate the grief gets the happiness in his life and this is the path from sadness to happiness.


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