Saturday, 29 August 2015

काम (Kam)

 साँझ को दुशाला ओढ़े आती है चाँदनी
 विखेर जाती है रजत को
 हो यहाँ जब यामिनी
रेत ठण्डी पर पसरती
 औ टहनियोँ मेँ अटकती
 कान मेँ रुन-झुन सी होती
 पाँव जब तू है पटकती
 ढाँप लेती गात को तू
 गती देती बात को तू
 जल रहे तिल-तिल दिये
 तेरी शीतलता लिये
 करती अठखेलियाँ रात को तू
 भाग जाती प्रात को तू
                  गिरिजेश '' गिरि;''

In this poem the poet wants to say that lust comes in evening by wrapping a blanket in the form of moonlight and spread it then when here is darkness of night. it seems that it floats on the cool sand on its way it is obstacled by branches of trees, when it comes there is a trinkling voice in the ears of the nature. it covers the body and start to chat by the coldness of which every thing is burning like a trimming lamp thus it plays whole of the night and ran away in the morn when it breaks up dawn.
                                                            Girijesh ''giri''

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