Saturday, 5 September 2015

सन्ध्या सुंदरी (beauteous eve)

तुम आयी हो
संध्या सुंदरी सी
जिसकी लालिमा
थारे कपोलों की है
चतुर्दिक फ़ैल रहे
अंधकार की कालिमा
कारे कुन्तलों की है
ये छिटकती हुई चाँदनी है
तुम्हारे गात की उजास
यह हवाओं की गर्मी है
चल रही है तुम्हारी श्वांस
यह नीरवता नहीं
है तुम्हारा मौन
जो बार -बार
यह प्रश्न करता है कि
तुम हो कौन?

In this poem the poet intrduces the evening as a beautiful woman through the personification .when she comes looks like a beautiful lady whose redness is just like crimson cheeks of her and darkness spreading in surrounding is the blackness of her curly mass of hairs. The splitting moon light looks like the smoothy whiteness of her body. It is blowing warm air or you are breathing. This is the soundlessness or you became speechless which arise a question frequently that who you are ??????

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