परम सत्ता
हे विधाता
हमें कुछ नहीं आता
ये तो अहंकार है
मानव जाति का
जो खुद को
खुदा से भी ऊपर समझने लगा
समझ में तो तब आया
जब उसे
जीवन का झटका लगा
कितना मगरूर
हो गया था इंसान
और आज कितना
मजबूर हो गया है इंसान
प्रकृति को नष्ट
करने चला था इंसान
भूल गया था कि
वह भी प्रकृति का ही अंग है
जिसका संतुलन बना रहना जरूरी है
अपने को खुदा का
नुमाइंदा कहने वालों ने भी
बंद कर लिए खुदा के दरवाजे
हर मंदिर, मस्जिद या गुरुद्वारा
चर्च हो या मठ
सब बंद हो गए
क्या यही है
ईश्वर तक जाने के रास्ते
या ये तथाकथित ज्ञानी लोग
ही वास्तव में हैं अज्ञानी
जो अपने ज्ञान से
ईश्वर को भी
व्यापार का साधन बना दिये
भोली भाली जनता को
तुम्हारे नाम पर
ठगा जा रहा है
पर प्रभू आप तो
अंतर्यामी हो
घट-घट में वास करते हो
तुम तो यह जानते हो कि
मानव कितना भी अज्ञानी हो
पर उसे
तुम पर पूरा भरोसा है
देखा है मैंने उसे
इस विपदा की घड़ी में भी
जब सारे देवालयों के दरवाजे
उसके लिए बंद कर दिये गए
तब भी वह अपनी
आराधना और पूजा का
त्याग नहीं किया
अपने घरों में कैद होकर भी
उसकी आस्था में कोई कमी नहीं आई
जबकि नास्तिक लोग
भड़का रहे हैं उसे कि
देखो अपने भगवान की ताकत
जब विपदा आई तो उसे
दूर करने के बजाय
अपने दरवाजे ही बंद कर लिए
किन्तु , ईश्वर में जो आस्था रखता है
उसे यह पता होता है कि
ईश्वर जो भी करता है
उसकी भलाई के लिए ही करता है
इसलिए हर दुख को वह
सहन कर लेता है
मात्र यह कह कर कि
शायद ईश्वर को यही मंजूर है
गजब है प्रभु तुम्हारी सत्ता
जिसे शीश झुकाकर
प्रकृति भी स्वीकार करती है
तो फिर
मानव की औकात ही क्या है ?
Absolute power
O creator ! We don't know anything. This is arrogance Of mankind, Who himself started to understand above the God.Understand then, When he got a shock of life. How arrogant he was? And today how much he has been forced. Man was going to destroy the nature. He had forgotten that he is a part of nature too, Whose balance is important. Even they who say themselves as messenger of God had locked the doors of every temple, mosque or gurudwara, Church or monaster closed .Is it the way to reach to the God, Or these so-called learned people are really ignorant . Who with his knowledge made God a means of trade. Innocent people are deceived in thy name. But O God you are an intermediate, You live in harmony , You know that it is no matter that how ignorant humans are ? But he trust upon you, Because I have seen him, even in the hour of this disaster, when the doors of all the temples are closed for, even then he worshiped thee, and did not give it up, even after being imprisoned in their homes.There was no loss in his faith, While atheists were provoking him that See the power of your God , When disaster strikes ,Instead of removing the problems he closed his doors, But, one who believes in God . He knows that Whatever God does Does is good for his own sake. So every grief he tolerates, just by saying it,''Maybe God has accepted it for him. How amazing thy power is which is accepted by Nature too, then what is man's position?
Girijesh '' Giri "
Absolute power
O creator ! We don't know anything. This is arrogance Of mankind, Who himself started to understand above the God.Understand then, When he got a shock of life. How arrogant he was? And today how much he has been forced. Man was going to destroy the nature. He had forgotten that he is a part of nature too, Whose balance is important. Even they who say themselves as messenger of God had locked the doors of every temple, mosque or gurudwara, Church or monaster closed .Is it the way to reach to the God, Or these so-called learned people are really ignorant . Who with his knowledge made God a means of trade. Innocent people are deceived in thy name. But O God you are an intermediate, You live in harmony , You know that it is no matter that how ignorant humans are ? But he trust upon you, Because I have seen him, even in the hour of this disaster, when the doors of all the temples are closed for, even then he worshiped thee, and did not give it up, even after being imprisoned in their homes.There was no loss in his faith, While atheists were provoking him that See the power of your God , When disaster strikes ,Instead of removing the problems he closed his doors, But, one who believes in God . He knows that Whatever God does Does is good for his own sake. So every grief he tolerates, just by saying it,''Maybe God has accepted it for him. How amazing thy power is which is accepted by Nature too, then what is man's position?
Girijesh '' Giri "