राम-रावण संस्कृति
हर वर्ष दहन होता रावण
पर कमी नहीं आती उनमें
तब तो रावण लंका मेँ था
अब तो दुनियाँ में फैल गया
थे पुरुष श्रेष्ठ, पुरुषोत्तम तुम
पर कोई पुरुषोत्तम अब तक न हुआ
वो रक्ष संस्कृति का रक्षक
मर कर भी निज संस्कृति का वाहक
तुम आर्य संस्कृति के रक्षक
तेरी संतति ही हुई भक्षक
जिस लंका का वह राजा था
अब एक भी राक्षस वहाँ नहीं
पर तेरे आर्यावर्त में तो
हर गली में राक्षस जिंदा हैं
तुम पुरुष श्रेष्ठ थे कहने मेँ
हम आज क्यूँ
शर्मिंदा हैं
तेरी संतति मेँ ही क्यूँ
रावण अब तक जिंदा है
वो रक्ष संस्कृति का मालिक
फिर भी उसमें मर्यादा थी
पर अपनी संतति को देखो
जो वहशी बन कर घूम रही
अपनी ही बहन बेटियों की
वो बोटी-बोटी नोच रही
तुम रावण का संहार किए
पर रक्ष संस्कृति नहीं गयी
वो रक्तबीज बन करके ही
तेरी संस्कृति को निगल गयी
तुम तो बस याद किए जाते
पर रावण जन-जन मेँ जिंदा है
हे प्रभु क्षमा याचना तुझसे
कहने मेँ गिरि भी शर्मिंदा है
-गिरिजेश ‘’गिरि’’
Ravan is being fired on every year but no fall is fond in them. At that time there was Ravana only in Lanka, but now adays he is found everywhere in the world. Thee was a greatest human being bur after that no such personality took birth yet on the earth . He was protector of devil cult and continued it even after death.You were protector of the Aryan culture which was eunuched by thy descendants. He was the king of the Lanka where now there's no one monster. But in your order the monsters are alive in every street.You were the best man to say for which we are ashamed today . Why Ravan is still alive in thy orders. He was the king of the devil cult, but had a noble limit.Look at your off springs, who are roaming wildly and making victims of their own sisters and daughters.You killed Ravana but could not erase the devil cult and becoming a blood base swallowed thy cult.You are just remembered but Ravana is still alive in the people.Oh my lord let me excuse to say that me too is embraced for that.
-Girijesh "Giri"
Ravan is being fired on every year but no fall is fond in them. At that time there was Ravana only in Lanka, but now adays he is found everywhere in the world. Thee was a greatest human being bur after that no such personality took birth yet on the earth . He was protector of devil cult and continued it even after death.You were protector of the Aryan culture which was eunuched by thy descendants. He was the king of the Lanka where now there's no one monster. But in your order the monsters are alive in every street.You were the best man to say for which we are ashamed today . Why Ravan is still alive in thy orders. He was the king of the devil cult, but had a noble limit.Look at your off springs, who are roaming wildly and making victims of their own sisters and daughters.You killed Ravana but could not erase the devil cult and becoming a blood base swallowed thy cult.You are just remembered but Ravana is still alive in the people.Oh my lord let me excuse to say that me too is embraced for that.
-Girijesh "Giri"