देवकी को एक भ्रात
कंस ही कहायो जात
क्रूरता की हद वह पार कियो जात है
क्रोध का था पारावार
देवकी को कारागार
भाग्नेय को एक-एक कर मारि जात है
नाश कियो सात पूत
बनकर वह अवधूत
अष्टम तो हाथ से यूँ ही छूटि जात है
भादों का था मास वह
आठवीं तिथी थी वह
जनम लियो अष्ट पूत किशन कह्यो जात है
खुल गये सारे बंधन
कृपा थी वह देवकी-नंदन
वसुदेव-देवकी संग अचरज में पड़्यो जात
सो गये सब द्वारपाल
लेकर वे अपना लाल
नीर भरी जमुना को पार करि जात है
जसुदा व् नन्द के
घर में पहुँच के
रख निज सुत वे सुता उठायो जात है
अगली सुबह तब
ज्ञात हुआ कंस को जब
देवकी को आठवीं सुता ने लियो जात है
कंस को ख़ुशी हुई
आकाशवाणी गलत हुई
को अब है जो उन्हें ही मारि जात है
मन में उठी यह इच्छा
करनी है अपनी रक्षा
आठवीं सुता को वे चल्यो मारि जात है
देवकी से छीन लियो
पाँव हाथ में गह्यो
शिला पर पटकने को व्याकुल हुयो जात है
हाथ से वह छूट गयी
गगन विलीन हुई
लियो जात संहारक, आकाशवाणी कियो जात है
कंस के वे दिन गए
नन्द-नन्दन बाल भये
कर वध कंस का, मुक्ति प्रजा को दियो जात
आप ही हो म्हारे प्रभु
नन्द के दुलारे प्रभु
भक्ती से आप तो भक्तों के हुए जात हैं

Devaki had a brother whose name was Kansa who was cast beyond the point of cruelty. He was very angry to hear the oracle that he was slaughtered by 8th son of his own sister Devki, so he put Devki alongwith her husband Vasudev in the prison and started to kill her sons one by one. Thus he slaughtered her seven sons being a cruel man but he was feared at the number of her 8th son. It was the month of bhadraprad (august) and date was 8th of the dark phase of the month when Devki gave birth a child who was known as Krishna later.Due to the grace of this child all the shackles and manackles were opened, seeing this Vsudev and Devki were astonished.They saw that all the guards were slept so Vasudev put his son and crossing by river Yamuna which was at its peak he reached to the house of Nand and Jasoda who were just given a birth of a female child.He exchanged his child and returned to the prison. At the next morning when Kans heard this news that Devki had given birth 8th child as a female. He became very happy thiking this that oracle was not true and there is none who could kill him.A desire came in to his mind to defend himself he tried to kill the 8th child, so he took forcefully Devki's daughter and hold her legs in his hand to throw her upon a rock but she slipped from his hand and disapeared in the sky by orackling this that his killer had taken birth allready. As the days of Kans pased the son of Nand and Jasoda had grown up who slaughtered the Kans and provided liberation from his misbehaves to his peasants. So O God you are the only my God who is darling of Nand because who is devotee to you, thee is always with him.
Girijesh''giri '